HAAP 2018-19 Program Highlight



Principal Investigator/Project Director:

Tsu-Yin Wu, PhD, RN, FAAN (Professor & PhD Program Director, Nursing); Director, Healthy Asian Americans Project & Director, Center for Health Disparities Innovation and Studies

Contact: twu@emich.edu

Co-Principal Investigators:

Alice Jo Rainville, PhD, RD, CHE, SNS, FAND (Professor, Nutrition & Dietetics)

Contact: arainvill@emich.edu

Olivia Ford, PhD, MPH, RD (Assistant Professor, Nutrition & Dietetics)

Contact: oford1@emich.edu

Xining Yang, PhD (Assistant Professor, Geography & Geology)

Contact: xyang5@emich.edu

Program Manager/Communication Liaison:

Meriam Caboral-Stevens, PhD, RN, NP-C, FNYAM (Assistant Professor, Nursing)

Contact: msteve37@emich.edu

Program Evaluator:

John Sonnega, PhD (Assistant Professor, Health Promotion & Human Performance)

Contact: jsonnega@emich.edu


Eastern Michigan University (EMU)

is one of the 31 recipients of CDC REACH five-year grant programs awarded in September 2018 and the only one solely focuses on Asian Americans as their priority population. The EMU CDC REACH Team will work with the Asian Communities toward Innovative Visionary Environment (ACTIVE) Coalition and partners to: 1) increase access to healthy foods and improve nutrition standards; 2) improve connectivity to healthy food and physical activity enhanced by geographic information system (GIS)-based technology; and 3) implement culturally tailored strategies to improve access to preventive health programs in order to reduce health disparities for this underserved population.